Welcome! - 29.04.2024

Welcome to my website and this little corner of it where I'll talk about goofy stuff that probably only I'm interested in! (Well, not today, today's a different topic)

It's almost 18:00 and I've spent the entire day so far doing the website, and it's been kind of a success! (Well, for me at least.)

If you're reading this, you're probably the only one here right now, but I don't really care about that. I made this entire website just because I felt like it, not expecting anyone to stumble upon this lol

Surprisingly enough, doing all this was kind of a piece of cake - i expected it to be much harder but then again, this is an extremely simple design. But it works for me.

Well, not on mobile lol. Still have no clue to all this but I'm sure I'll figure it all out eventually. Unless I die suddenly, but hopefully that won't happen in the next 80 years :)

Anyway, what the hell have I been doing the past entire month? Well, I tried to draw. Many times - and failed. Every time.

I have no idea what happened at all, because usually I've been able to draw something at least once a month without fuckups but now it's like a little green gremlin crawled into my head
on April fools and flipped the shitty mode switch in my brain and I wasn't able to whip out anything good since. Maybe next month I'll figure out how to flip that switch off.

Well, so then I turned to working on TimeWarp again, after having an awesome launch for a new demo and taking a break
from working on it for a month I did a bunch of textures and a test map for the medieval themed chapter.

Luckily, that ended up being a good time, the textures looked nicer than anything I did for the city chapter (maybe I'll update those textures at some point), and making villages out of brushes was fun!


Yeah, still really happy with the result and I'm pretty excited to do the rest of the chapter!

I've basically taken some photos of some French village from google and tried to recreate the buildings in them using brushes, and you know what I gotta do that more cause it's really fun :D

I don't really have anything else to talk about so that's about it. Hope you enjoyed reading this and maybe I'll post more of these as time goes by!